personal website or something idk
Aspiring Data Scientist and Music Composer.
This website
Seasonality Detection for Bangkok PM2.5 Data using Fast Fourier Transform
This project aims to study the Bangkok PM2.5 Yearly Crisis via Seasonality Detection. The proposed method is to use the Fast Fourier Transform to approximate the formula of Bangkok Concentration of PM2.5.
Exploratory Analysis of Health Statistics for Thailand Insurance in Modern Era
This is a project based on the concept Innovation of Insurances in Modern’s Perspectives. This will go over analysis on the thai health statistics to find the trend of Insurance Businesses in Thailand and couple more of new ideas from these exploratory analyses.
Fake News Analysis using Dimensionality Reduction Technique
This Project is an Exploratory Data Analysis and Simple Machine Learning Models to Classify Fake News and Real News using Fake and Real News Dataset.
This Project is transforming the simple programming problems, or daily life problems into Convex Optimization Problems and solve them using cvxopt
Iceberg Generator (Outdated)
This Project is the python GUI Program to generate Iceberg Memes
Competitive Programming System using Python
This Project is about building Competitive Programming System from scratch and implement it into a discord bot
I built a Long-Short-Term-Memory from scratch
Storyboard for 4 Digit MWC 4 Grand Finals Tiebreaker
Inverse Generator (Outdated)
Inverse Converter which has the LN Gap Option
osu! : HowToPlayLN
Discord : IndexError#1033
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